Cookie Policy

This information is provided, pursuant to articles 13 and 122 of the Personal Data Protection Code (Legislative Decree 196/03, the so-called "Privacy Code") and the current provisions of the Privacy Guarantor regarding Cookies and other Tracking Tools (as defined below), to those who connect to this website (hereinafter the "Site") managed by Spaghetti Boost Società Benefit a responsabilità limitata, with registered office in Via Cosimo del Fante 16 - 20122, VAT number / Fiscal Code 13179900967 (hereinafter "Holder") in relation to the use of cookies.

General Information on Tracking Tools

Tracking tools ("Tracking Tools") are divided into two macro categories:

  • Cookies
  • Other Tracking Tools

Cookies ("Cookies") are small strings of text - which may include personal data (e.g. IP address, user name, e-mail address, etc.) and technical information (e.g. language settings, type of device) - that the sites visited send to the user's terminal (personal computer or mobile device such as tablet or smartphone), where they are stored (e.g. in the browser's memory), to then be retransmitted to the same sites on the next visit.

Cookies are used to perform functions, such as computer authentication, session monitoring and storage of information on sites (without the use of Cookies, some operations would be very complex or impossible to perform), also with reference to identifying preferences based on the browsing experience. While browsing a Website, the User may also receive Cookies on his terminal that are managed and sent by different sites or web servers (so-called "Third Parties"), on which some elements may reside (such as, for example, images, maps, sounds, specific links to pages of other domains) present on the Website that the User is visiting.

There are also other tracking tools (e.g. the so-called "Fingerprinting", "Pixel Tag" etc.) which, although using a different technology, allow for processing similar to that carried out through Cookies and achieve the same results (the "Other Tracking Tools"). These tools, unlike Cookies, do not store information within the user's device and cannot be removed directly by the user via the browser settings; it is therefore necessary for the user to avail himself of the right to revoke the authorization to their use through the functions made available on the Site by the Holder to review his choices.

Classification of Tracking Tools

Type of ToolSourceDurationPurposes Pursued
CookiesFirst Party (this Site)
Third Party (manager of a website other than the Holder)
Temporary (session or for a predetermined period of time)
Permanent (until cancellation by the user)
Technical Purposes (related to the functioning of the Site and aggregate and anonymous statistics on accesses made)
Non-Technical Purposes (e.g. tracking activities performed by the user for the purpose of sending personalized communications)

Tracking Tools Used by This Site

A) Cookies with Technical Purposes

Cookies with technical purposes ("Technical Cookies") allow for easy use of the Site and easier retrieval of information, simplifying the connection and transmission of data between the user and the Site.

This Site uses some Technical Cookies for the purpose of ensuring the proper functioning of the Website (e.g. allowing access to reserved areas without having to continuously repeat the authentication procedure) or the personalization of the user experience.

Without the use of such Cookies, some of the Site's services may not be accessible, displayed correctly or may not function optimally (e.g., by deleting the Cookie that stores the information required for authentication, the user will have to re-enter their credentials upon subsequent access). Functionality, preference and localization Cookies may also be used that allow you to change the behavior and appearance of the Website (e.g. preferred language, text or character size, geographic area where the User is located), the absence of which does not affect navigation on the Website, but makes it less efficient and functional.

Technical Cookies are assimilated to the so-called Third Party Analytical Cookies (e.g. Google Analytics) where used directly by the Holder to collect information, in aggregate form, on the number of users and how they visit the Site itself.

The installation of Technical Cookies does not require the prior consent of the user.

B) Cookies with Non-Technical Function

These are tools used to trace back to specific and recurring subjects behaviours or activities in the use of the functions of the Site, in order to associate the different profiles with homogeneous groupings, in order to optimize and personalize the services offered and/or send advertising messages in line with the preferences expressed by the user in the context of web browsing.

This Site does not use Cookies with a Non-Technical function.

Cookie Management on Different Browsers

The user is informed that he/she can authorize, block or delete (in whole or in part) cookies through the specific functions of his/her browser or through additional third-party components.

However, disabling the Technical Cookies of the Site could mean that some services or functions of the Site will not be available or may not function correctly (e.g. the Site could require the user to enter some data or information each time he/she accesses the Site).

For further information on how to set preferences on the use of cookies through his/her browser, see the following instructions:

List of Types of Cookies Present on the Site

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