Spaghetti Boost Benefit Corporation announces its first Artist Open Call entitled "ARTeFICIALE." The Open Call will be curated by the art critic Francesca Alfano Miglietti and will have as output a selection of artworks, accompanied by prototypes or projects, which will be exhibited in November in a "pop-up" exhibition-event, in an unconventional location in Milan.
The Call is addressed to all national and international artists who feel the need to try their hand at an initiative to enhance their artistic research, through an approach that goes outside their "comfort zone" and evolves from traditional to more experimental dissemination techniques.
The Open Call has as its theme the artificial, which for Francesca Alfano Miglietti becomes ARTeFICIALE.
Artefice invites experimentation not only with new techniques and synergies between art and objects of consumption and everyday use, but also with rethinking and reinventing a language and an unprecedented "pop up," rhizomatic and extemporaneous exhibition form.
Francesca Alfano Miglietti says:
Artifice, before being the expedient by which a result is achieved within a system, is the skill of making art...indeed it is really "making art." A glimpse, mimetic and alien, concerning the relationship between natural and artificial, creativity and technique, craftsmanship and industry, aesthetics and function, art and science, serial production and uniqueness, craftsmanship and ready-made. A theme meant to graft itself into a romantic fantasy, between natural 'truths' and visionary enigmaticity."
The works that will be proposed within the Open Call will have a common root, although they will be the result of different approaches to poetic space. Just as places that are not defined by their physicality, but by the human relationships that activate them, the works and spaces with which the artists dialogue are also lived landscapes, at the center of which ideally lies the possibility of another kind of vision. Dry, tension-filled works will be preferred for evaluation, precisely because the work must be conceived as a sophisticated machine of connections, gazes, mutual proximities, encounters and stories.
This Open Call is totally free of charge and involves the participation of 5 artists invited by the FAM curator herself and 7 other artists who will be selected through the same Open Call.
All artists will be invited to interact with the Call's theme and objectives, rethinking their artwork as a starting point for a project that goes beyond "traditional" formats and is conceived in dialogue with the world of consumption and everyday use.
The call invites all artists, regardless of age, nationality or gender, to participate in the proposed theme.
Artists selected through this Open Call will be invited to be part of Spaghetti Boost's ROSTER;
The 12 selected artists, their works and related capsule projects in ‘limited edition’ and/or art merchandising will be published in a text curated by FAM and Spaghetti Boost dedicated to the exhibition;
The best projects will have the opportunity to be made into "limited edition" capsule versions and/or art merchandising objects, produced entirely by Spaghetti Boost and royalties from the artists;
From the first week of November, action will be taken on the exhibition spaces for the output of the Open Call, i.e., the setting up of the exhibition/event. The selection of works and artists will be by a committee composed of the Board and part of the Scientific Unit of Spaghetti Boost:
Ornella Vanoni
Franco Bosisio
Paolo Marai
Enrico Ceccato
Giuseppe Cogliolo
Stella Pende
Edward Van Vliet
Antonio Gallo
Maura Gancitano e Andrea Colamedici - Tlon
Paolo Orsacchini
and the curator Alfano Miglietti;
The artworks and prototypes or merch/capsule ideas of the selected artists will be presented in November in the "pop up" exhibition/event, on Spaghetti Boost's web platform and social profiles, through a communication campaign in support of the event that began in June 2024 and will continue for the duration of the call, continuing for the months following the event.
Expenses related to transportation, logistics and insurance of the works will be borne by Spaghetti Boost (just for works coming from Italy);
Upon agreement between the finalist artists and Spaghetti Boost or third parties, SB itself will have right of first refusal on the purchase of a work indicated by Scientific Unit and FAM among those of all selected artists;
Spaghetti Boost will select, from the finalist works, accompanied by a merch/capsule idea/design/prototype, those that best meet the requirements for commercialization and creation of a Limited Edition collection of selected objects/prototypes that will be placed on pre-order (and limited run), produced and sold exclusively on the Spaghetti Boost website or other platforms;
SB commits to co-design the selected project, if any, in case a prototype was not submitted, and then proceed with its production (in case it has the right requirements. See also next point);
Through a pre-order plugin SB will put the merch and/or capsule art products/objects made for the call, into Pre-Order for sale and upon reaching the breakeven point of production costs, they will be produced and distributed to the market through our platform or through external platforms.
Merch and/or capsule products put into production, will be accompanied by side agreements, which will be specified in a separate paragraph, with recognition of royalties in case of activation of sales on our platforms. Subject matter of this will be an ad hoc contract on royalties defined between artist and Spaghetti Boost.
A motivational letter.
A short CV (max one page).
An updated portfolio. MAX 10MB
Skill in drawing and painting techniques.
Skill in model making (The technique related to the study and making of models constructed for experimental purposes or intended for mass representation or reproduction).
Prototype of merchandising or capsule. Alternatively draft of two designs, for non-traditional and consumer media and methodologies (e.g., merchandising, capsules, in the form of in video, sketch, drawing with description and moodboard). MAX 10MB
Two/three realized projects, documented in any way you prefer (max 2MB).
One/two unrealized art projects (if any).
Valid ID document.
N.B.Applications that are not complete with the required documentation will not enter the selection process.
For selected works, arrangements will be made on the sidelines, on the actual presence of the work during the event.
SB commits to co-design the selected project, if any, in case a prototype was not submitted, and then proceed with its production (in case it has the right requirements. See also next point);
Through a pre-order plugin SB will put the merch and/or capsule art products/objects made for the call, into Pre-Order for sale and upon reaching the breakeven point of production costs, they will be produced and distributed to the market through our platform or through external platforms.
Merch and/or capsule products put into production, will be accompanied by side agreements, which will be specified in a separate paragraph, with recognition of royalties in case of activation of sales on our platforms. Subject matter of this will be an ad hoc contract on royalties defined between artist and Spaghetti Boost.
Open Call launch:
June 26, 2024
Open Call deadline:
September 22, 2024
Applications must be submitted no later than 11:59 pm on September 22, 2024
announced via email and on our social channels by September 30, 2024
Exhibition / Event: